Monthly Programs

Frogs and Toads in East Tennessee with Stephen Lyn Bales

Register for Zoom Link and Recording

Thursday, March 6 on ZOOM at 7pm EST

Spring is less than three weeks away. As the weather warms, we’ll start hearing male frogs and toads call for female attention. Did you know that frogs croaking is a good sign that the local water is not fouled? These excited amphibians are excellent environmental indicators. The more you hear, the better!

Join the UT Arboretum Society as Michelle Campanis, education coordinator at the University of Tennessee Arboretum, and naturalist Stephen Lyn Bales give us an overview of our frogs and toads in East Tennessee. There are 14 species of frogs and toads in the Tennessee Valley. In each case, the males croon to attract the females, but each species calls at a different time of the year and from different locations. You often do not see them because they are so well camouflaged to blend into their watery places, but you certainly hear them.

Watch this virtual presentation from the comfort of your own home. You do not even have to put on your shoes and leave home. But you may want to open a window to listen for frogs. Register to receive Zoom link and the recording.

Photo: Gray Treefrogs tend to be gray and patterned to hide on the trucks of trees. Although, if they find themselves on lush, green foliage they can turn that color to blend in. Photo by Stephen Lyn Bales 

Please contact Michelle at for any questions or registration issues.

Friends and Family/Third Saturday Hike

Saturday, February 15 at 9am at The UT Arboretum

Meet at the kiosk by the Visitors Center for a 1-2 mile hike guided by our volunteers. Remember to wear footwear suitable for uneven terrain with gravel and roots on the paths! No registration required. (No Pets Please). The UT Arboretum is located at 901 S. Illinois Avenue, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830

Contact Michelle Campanis for any questions.

Group hiking
Third Saturday Hike at the UT Arboretum